Sterling Jack

About Sterling Jack

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So far Sterling Jack has created 72 blog entries.
1301, 2025

Welcome to 2025!

By |January 13th, 2025|Company Update|

Friends of Colwyn:


Welcome to 2025! I hope you had a wonderful holiday season and that your new year looks positive and hopeful and healthy and happy.


As we start the new year, I wanted to […]

1907, 2021

July 2021 Update

By |July 19th, 2021|Company Update|

Friends of Colwyn: 

I hope you are well this Middle of July. I certainly love our Country and this time of the year I am always reminded of the freedoms I enjoy. As I research economic […]

1908, 2020

Course Outline

By |August 19th, 2020|Uncategorized|

Course Outline
Section 1: Life Planning for Retirement
 Traditional vs. new retirement
 New retirement opportunities
 Values and objectives in nine areas of life
 The retirement planning process
Section 2: Retirement Needs & Expenses
 Early retirement trends
 How […]

1908, 2020

Investment & Retirement Planning Education Course

By |August 19th, 2020|Uncategorized|

You are invited to…
An Investment & Retirement Planning Education Course
An Educational Course for Adults – Ages 50 +
Why Financial Education is Important
Due to recent tax law changes, an uncertain future for Social Security and the […]

1008, 2020

The path for uncertain times…

By |August 10th, 2020|Uncategorized|

Welcome to August! As we continue to march through a remarkable year, I hope that all of you are doing well and can see a path forward.

First, a little financial update – although the GDP […]

2304, 2020

Avoid the scammers

By |April 23rd, 2020|Uncategorized, Wealth Advisory|

A quick note today on protecting yourself from scammers during these uncertain times that we are living in.   We are seeing more concerns with scammers attempting to defraud people during COVID lay offs and the […]

2303, 2020

It was just an old watch…

By |March 23rd, 2020|Financial Planning, Retirement, Uncategorized, Wealth Advisory|


I want to tell you a story about a watch. Many years ago my mother passed away unexpectedly. Dad had died a few years prior and so in my late 30’s I found myself without […]

603, 2020

Core Principles Series – Principle #10 – Fact based on an observation of one is not meaningful…

By |March 6th, 2020|Financial Planning, Retirement, Uncategorized, Wealth Advisory|

Core Principles Series – Principle #10 – Fact based on an observation of one is not meaningful…


There is a fascinating discipline in the world of marketing and decision science called ‘Choice Architecture’. This discipline affects […]

1102, 2020

Core Principles Series #9 – Whose money is it?

By |February 11th, 2020|Financial Planning, Retirement, Wealth Advisory|

Core Principles Series #9 – Whose money is it?


In the world of investment, there are three types or categories of investments. Those are: 1) loans, 2) assets, and 3) products. There are lots of different […]

3001, 2020

Core Principles Series #8 – The Endowment Mindset

By |January 30th, 2020|Financial Planning, Investment Class, Retirement, Wealth Advisory|

Core Principles Series #8 – The Endowment Mindset

Nearly all large charitable or educational institutions in the US and Canada have large scale endowments. An endowment is a pool of investment resources that have generally been […]